Yes, we are still alive! Just ungodly busy...
POS. To those that are not familiar with the retail world, a POS is a "Point of Sale" system. Otherwise known as your cash register and inventory software.
We currently have a P.O.S., POS...
I know--pretty archaic, right? Our business has grown and we have, in return, have outgrown this aged system.
Occasionally, we honestly believe that using an abacus would work better.
"And your total, sir...hold on I have to move some more beads."
Over a year ago we started interviewing perspective companies that can supply us with a brand new system. Finding the right company was easy--it's the preparation for the new POS that has been a tedious, long road. As of today we are 55 days out from our go-live date. So very exciting!
Since the beginning of the year, we have worked on dwindling our merchandise down--as to do a complete inventory of the ENTIRE store. Mind you, we will have completed this inventory ourselves with the help our awesome team. No luxury of having a company come in and count items here. One of the downfalls of not being "corporate," doin' it for yourself!
We had a 2 day "Yard Sale" where all items were deeply discounted at 75-90% off and have had special promotions and incentives for customers to shop.
Sprinkle in the flu, weekly conference calls/meetings, still maintaining a business, work weeks consisting of 6 days, preparing for our Spring Look Book shoot, and yet another broken toe situation that escalated into Jenny now having to sport a walking boot for the next 3 months.
Welcome to pure exhaustion land!
Population...the Gals.
Welcome to pure exhaustion land!
Population...the Gals.
But alas, we have made it through the majority of the storm and have survived to tell another tale!
I will leave you with our motto for the past few weeks. It comes from one of our favorite fictional (yet non-fictional) characters, Ms. Scarlett O'Hara...
"Tomorrow I'll think of some way...after all, tomorrow is another day."