Monday, October 31, 2011

Where in the Wide World of Retail Have the Gals Gone??

4th quarter is upon us and it's in full swing! Despite Jenny's wishes, I fondly keep reminding her of this, as pictured above.

This year, The Gals thought it would be a scathingly brilliant idea to create a "look book" of what we will be offering our customers this holiday season. We attended a focus group at the January Market where many smaller boutiques had done something similar and had increased their foot traffic in their stores from anywhere between 34-64%.

That's a huge increase. Massive. Extraordinary. Astronomical. 

We want that increase and decided to take on the task! Bring it!!

We broke down our merchandise into categories to be showcased, chose a neutral background, Jenny just happens to own an amazing camera that would photograph our product beautifully, and gathered the merchandise. But wait--where would we stage such a photo shoot? Oh why, at Margaret's house of course. Cause there is nothing Margaret loves more than clutter...scattered all throughout her house...

We were organized, as you will see from the pictures--everything was labeled with post its (in which some of the merchandise was accidentally photographed with said post its on them because we were so used to looking at them--whoops!), had a concrete game plan, and even staged my dining room as if Martha Stewart was coming for Christmas dinner. Did I mention there was a Christmas tree as well?

We were certain it would take us 2 days to finish, tops.

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Try 5, 8 to 10 hour days!!

Lessons learned:  We now have a new found respect for professional photographers--you use muscles you didn't know existed just to get the perfect shot. Staging merchandise to be photographed is much easier than it looks. No matter how much coffee you may consume, you will be exhausted. And lastly, you may be so incredibly pumped up on creative juices, but you will hit a wall at some point where you just need to either take a power nap or crash onto the floor...

Two Gals Proudly Presents...How to Create a Look Book...

So excuse our bit of absence from the blogging world. The look book has been edited, is complete, looks flippin' fantastic, and has been sent off to the printers to be mailed and distributed to all our customers.

Although it was an incredibly colossal task--that in all honesty, at one point I thought to myself, "What the heck did we get ourselves into?" It was a great learning experience and could not have been more proud that we were able to produce the confection that a medium sized styling team would!

Please enjoy some other photographs that didn't make it into the video...

P.S. I couldn't have worked with a better Gal on such an amazing project! "Duck Sauce," my friend, "Duck Sauce."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Devil's Night from the Gals

Tis true--there is such a night. For all our friends and followers up north, you know what we are talking about. The night before Halloween is fondly referred to as "Devil's Night." After moving down south, I tried to have a conversation with Jenny about Devil's Night...she looked at me like I was crazy lady who once ran with a passel of hooligans.

Urban Dictionary defines it as the following:

Devil's Night: An activity done the night before Halloween, where idiots torch abandoned homes. Originally started in Detroit.

"You're scared of Halloween? What about Devil's Night? Now that's something to worry about!"

The quote is spot on--it says it all!!

Even my home town just recently got a shout out about the shenanigans that occur on this eve!

So to all our pals in the "Murder Mitten..." remember to bring your pumpkins inside, lock up the kiddos for the evening, and keep us posted with what the arson count is at!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Earth Wind and Fire - September
Newest Addition to the Playlist

We've been kickin' it old school this week...

Friday, October 21, 2011

My Cousin - The Musical Star

Musicals, the Gals were brought up on them and LOVE them. Who wouldn't want to live in a world where you spontaneously break out into song and dance? Unfortunately, both Gals were not "blessed" with the gift of vocal the least. We can cut a mean rug, though!

The musical legacy does run in Margaret's family. Meet Madge's ultra darling and charismatic cousin Betsy...or as she fondly refers to her as "Betsy-licious," starring as Annie in the ever lovable musical.

In honor of Betsy's most amazing accomplishment, dedication, and hard work; we have decided to share  two of our favorite musical numbers.

Jenny adores Les Miserables, her obsession started at a young age when her mother was learning French. I've been to many a bonfire at Jenny's house where Les Mis was blasting at ungodly high decibels. Nothing says a good bonfire like Les Mis.

Jenny's Musical Pick - Bring Him Home

Margaret started dancing at an early age, mainly focusing on ballet and tap. I appreciate any theatrical performance involving dance--it takes a lot chutzpah! Due to my father's obsession with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra, I was introduced to On the Town--a fabulous yet relatively unknown musical. Throw in the mad tap dancing skills of Ann Miller and you are in a musical heaven!

Madge's Musical Pick - Prehistoric Man

I could not be more proud of my spunky cousin! Although I won't be there--I will be thinking of you!
Break a leg, Licious--I love you girly!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans
Newest Addition to the Playlist

Yeah, she may have been produced by an entire PR team and claims to be a "gangster Nancy Sinatra," but I cannot get enough of this song...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Newest Addition to the Playlist
Polock - Fireworks

Monday, October 10, 2011

Gaining Inspiration From Daily Life

A lovely stroll through an organic garden today...

Happy Monday!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

15 Ways to Tie a Scarf

Scarves, a first-class and simple accessory to spice up your wardrobe! So versatile, they can be worn in any season--summer, spring, winter, and fall.

About two months ago, The Gals decided that we would do an in store spotlight on scarves. The problem--everyone knows one or two ways to tie a scarf, so what would be the draw to bring customers in? After some serious brainstorming, we conceived a scathingly brilliant idea...we will do a tutorial on different ways to tie a scarf!

So, very late on a Saturday night, we put our heads together, did a bit of research, and came up with all the ways we knew how to tie a scarf (there were a little over 27, but we decided to condense), got out the camera, and spent a few hours tying knots.

The product line up.

Two Gals Gives You...15 Ways to Tie a Scarf...

It was like a "Scarf Apocalypse"...

The couple hours of filming yielded some pretty funny out takes (it may have been the limited playlist we were listening to). My favorite, "You're twisting where you don't need to twist."

Enjoy and happy knotting!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Confession: Madge has a great fondness when it comes to accompanying others to Urgent Care Centers or Emergency Rooms. Minor to major emergencies, triage, conversing with the doctors, looking at X-Rays...she adores it all! And yes, she'll take pictures of you and your injury. Don't judge!

Last evening, Jenny, being an extreme multitasker, took on too many tasks--and ended up giving a David Beckham-like kick to her bed post as she was in a towel folding frenzy.

After hobbling around the store today for a few hours (in one shoe mind you) the swelling because progressively worse, along with the pain, and it was decided that Urgent Care was needed.

Madge to the rescue--hey, that's what friends and business associates are for!

The injury started off as a broken toe and resulted in a broken metatarsal bone. The great news--Jenny will make a fully recovery in about a month and has been loaded up with pain medication. The bad news--she has to wear one of those God awful orthopedic shoes for the next month.

The question is...will Jenny's handicap give us an edge at next weeks apparel mart--front row seats to a fashion show? And can we bedazzle the dreadful orthopedic shoe to give it a bit of pizazz?

Feel better soon, Jenny! Keep that bad boy elevated and iced!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quote of the Day

No matter how old you are--you can always, in some sort of capacity, resort back to Dr. Seuss.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Professor Green - I Need You Tonight
The Quasi-New Addition to the Playlist

After the dramatic ending to last week and subsequent beginning of this week--we really needed a tune that would pick us up. What else could do that but a great spin on an INXS hit?

Now, this isn't quite the song that would be apropos to play on the sales floor--more like in our offices. Commence dance party for two...

An English bad boy with background vocals by a British Justin Timberlake look-a-like? Lovin' it!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aspen Bay Candles
Product Showcase

Personally, I'm a Glade Plug-In junkie. Insert oil canister, plug in, and you're good to go. Easy and simple. "Hawaiian Breeze" has been the signature scent of all my humble abodes since my early twenties--when a small fire of sorts started in my bedroom due to a candle. A freak accident, I swear...

To the Gals, the subject of candles takes our minds to Yankee Candles, with scents like "Cranberry Chutney" or "Farmers Market."  The names alone bring on a migraine of over powering scents. The typical candle is incredibly generic; no flair, same old packaging, and something I can picture being placed under a candle warmer in my late Gran's kitchen.

And then, we were introduced to Aspen Bay Candles--and all previously stated words of hate regarding the burning of wax were retracted.

Where do I begin about their fabulousity? How about the names of the scents: Goddess, Black Gardenia, Boho-Luxe, and our personal favorite...Volcano. Aspen Bay's signature "fragrance mushroom" will deliver hours of glorious smells throughout your home. And no worries, no pungent aromas, just a welcoming olfactory sensation!

The folks, who hand pour each soy waxy wonder, have thrown your atypical container out the window. Say, "Why hello there," to blue mercury glass!! 

The warm flickering ambiance that glows in truly soothing.

And lets not forget the design--clean lines, chic, and eye appealing.

Striking scents to spark productivity in your work area.

Did I mention these products are made in the U.S.A.? Starksville, Mississippi to be exact. The Gals LOVE merchandise made in the good ole' U.S. of A.

Perfect addition to the loo.

Been to Anthropologie within the last two years? That amazingly enticing scent you've smelled while shopping their wondrous stores...yes, you guess it, that's Aspen Bay Candles.

Aspen Bay, you've staged a candle-vention, and now I'm a believer!!

Can't find Aspen Bay products in your neck of the woods--shoot us a message, we'll be more than happy to help you out!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The "Not So Lovely" Side of Retail

Let me begin by speaking on the Gal's behalf...we love our jobs. Love. With a capital "L." However, in the universe of retail it isn't always sunshine and lollipops.

It's a fast paced world, and in our case, a high emphasis on customer service and detailed work. Bad days, a.k.a. meltdowns, do occur. These freak events usually happen during the holiday season when the store is packed full of customers, merchandise that says "Merry Everything" is everywhere, and you are having to hear another God forsaken Christmas song.

Today, the cosmos were against us. I even sported a St. Jude, patron saint of hopeless causes, bracelet at one point in time hoping to change our luck. It was one of those days. We were completely understaffed, incredibly busy--and throw on there being sleep deprived from waking up at 4:30 AM twice this week for special events.

"Keep Calm and Carry On" is another Two Gals mantra. This day's mantra.."Panic and Freak Out Now."

No need to fret, the plush animals were returned to their homes re-stylized and merchandised .

Food for thought: You've got 84 days to shop for Christmas.