Friday, October 21, 2011

My Cousin - The Musical Star

Musicals, the Gals were brought up on them and LOVE them. Who wouldn't want to live in a world where you spontaneously break out into song and dance? Unfortunately, both Gals were not "blessed" with the gift of vocal the least. We can cut a mean rug, though!

The musical legacy does run in Margaret's family. Meet Madge's ultra darling and charismatic cousin Betsy...or as she fondly refers to her as "Betsy-licious," starring as Annie in the ever lovable musical.

In honor of Betsy's most amazing accomplishment, dedication, and hard work; we have decided to share  two of our favorite musical numbers.

Jenny adores Les Miserables, her obsession started at a young age when her mother was learning French. I've been to many a bonfire at Jenny's house where Les Mis was blasting at ungodly high decibels. Nothing says a good bonfire like Les Mis.

Jenny's Musical Pick - Bring Him Home

Margaret started dancing at an early age, mainly focusing on ballet and tap. I appreciate any theatrical performance involving dance--it takes a lot chutzpah! Due to my father's obsession with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra, I was introduced to On the Town--a fabulous yet relatively unknown musical. Throw in the mad tap dancing skills of Ann Miller and you are in a musical heaven!

Madge's Musical Pick - Prehistoric Man

I could not be more proud of my spunky cousin! Although I won't be there--I will be thinking of you!
Break a leg, Licious--I love you girly!!


  1. OMG Anne Miller's dress is so beautiful!! Let's put "On the Town" on our list of movies to watch. I've never quite figured out those 40's hairdos, but they look great!!

  2. Two Gals and a ShopSat Oct 22, 10:27:00 AM 2011

    All the costumes in "On the Town" are absolutely fabulous!! I'm actually going to a musical production tonight--perhaps I'll try a 40's hairdo...

  3. What a cutie! And such a big voice for a little girl! I can see why you're all so proud. :D

    Although I've often liked certain songs from them, I have to admit that I've never been a fan of musicals. My mother-in-law had to drag me to see Annie but I admit that it was fun and the songs were catchy.

    The only musical I've ever really liked.... drumroll...

    Pal Joey. I'm not even sure I know why but I liked it when I saw the movie on TV as a kid and I own the DVD. I still think it would have been better with Gene Kelly as Joey rather than Frank Sinatra but, oh well.

    BTW, please post pics, Madge, if you decide to wear a '40's do! :D
