Thursday, October 6, 2011

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Confession: Madge has a great fondness when it comes to accompanying others to Urgent Care Centers or Emergency Rooms. Minor to major emergencies, triage, conversing with the doctors, looking at X-Rays...she adores it all! And yes, she'll take pictures of you and your injury. Don't judge!

Last evening, Jenny, being an extreme multitasker, took on too many tasks--and ended up giving a David Beckham-like kick to her bed post as she was in a towel folding frenzy.

After hobbling around the store today for a few hours (in one shoe mind you) the swelling because progressively worse, along with the pain, and it was decided that Urgent Care was needed.

Madge to the rescue--hey, that's what friends and business associates are for!

The injury started off as a broken toe and resulted in a broken metatarsal bone. The great news--Jenny will make a fully recovery in about a month and has been loaded up with pain medication. The bad news--she has to wear one of those God awful orthopedic shoes for the next month.

The question is...will Jenny's handicap give us an edge at next weeks apparel mart--front row seats to a fashion show? And can we bedazzle the dreadful orthopedic shoe to give it a bit of pizazz?

Feel better soon, Jenny! Keep that bad boy elevated and iced!


  1. Glad I'm not the only one who wears mis-matching socks, and with crocks! Love Love Love it! Feel better soon!

    PS.... Bedazzle the shiz out of that shoe!

  2. And, is that a Chaco tan line? ;-)

  3. Two Gals and a ShopMon Oct 10, 12:11:00 PM 2011

    Good eye, indeed it is--it's been a long time since I had one of those!
