Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Newest Addition to the Playlist
Jukebox the Ghost - Somebody

To quote one of our shoppers today, "I just wanted to listen to the song that was playing and ended up finding the perfect birthday gift for my friend!"

Confirms the 20% consumer engagement rule!

Enjoy this weeks catchy tune!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let the Creativity Flow much merchandise, whatever shall we do?

Ever been in that "creative rut?" 

As previously posted, it's always important important to stay strong under stress. After a jam packed, crazy busy summer--The Gals are back after a slight hiatus!

In the world of retail sometimes you just need some good ole' time on the sales floor merchandising and re-doing displays to get back to "your roots."

In our case, it usually starts with standing back--taking a moment to get a visual of the area you are going to work with and analyze the merchandise you are going to display. 

It's like a switch flips and the creativity just flows--and you just go with the flow!

Case in point, last week...

2012 Collegiate Display

Cross merchandising--I live and die by it. Step out of the displaying like items realm. Think differently, incorporating atypical merchandise, your sales will thank you!

Front Window Display

Use unusual props to display items. Like a vintage step ladder or a serving tray for that matter...

And don't be afraid to take risks. Scarves displayed while it's still 90 degrees? No problem! Give your customers a visual on how to wear merchandise,. Think outside of the box, come up with a scathingly brilliant idea, or reuse one like  "15 Ways to Tie A Scarf.."

Most importantly, never, ever forget your creative of the Gals had this clever gem bestowed upon her today...

How apropos!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Newest Addition to the Playlist

Example  - Love Kickstarts

The Gals are on Pinterest

Pin, pinning, pinned!

Products we love. Follow us!!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Newest Addition to the Playlist
Imagine Dragons - It's Time

It's been one of those weeks--and it's only Wednesday. To get us through the rest of the work week, we are lovin' this slap happy/carefree song!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Marvelous Marketing

The music, the movement, the scenery, and with such a simple message...kudos Levi's! 
"I Had No Idea it Was Saint Patrick's Day"

This was a direct quote from the valet guy as he pulled my car around last night...

My response: "Right, it's not today, it's tomorrow sir."  

Today is the day where most everyone can celebrate like they are Irish. Bust out the green, the beads, and the shot glass on a necklace!

I'm Scottish, have been to "the homeland," have an infinite/undying love for bagpipes, and everything tartan.

But every Saint Patrick's Day, we (meaning my entire family when I was a wee lass), partied like we were Irish. During said time when I was a wee lass, I was introduced to two things that remind me of St. Patrick's Day, no matter what the month or day.

The first is a completely zany movie entitled Darby O'Gill and the Little People. Netflix has it categorized as a "family, feel good" movie. In all honesty, it is a feel good movie--family, on the other hand, I'm not too sure about...

After hashing it out with my Mom today, it was decided that it teaches children the following: 1. How to survive in an Irish pub brawl. 2. The aftermath of what happens when you kidnap a leprechaun. And 3. Be afraid--very, very afraid of banshees.

Crucial life lessons, of course!

Cue Darby O'Gill and a leprechaun dance party...

The second is a song entitled "The Night that Paddy Murphy Died." My Grandfather adored this song--I can remember him singing it at any opportunity that presented itself. Any opportunity. At age 7, I knew the lyrics by verbatim--including the part where,"They put the bottle with the corpse to keep that whiskey cold." You know...normal things a 7 year old should know.

Great Big Sea - Night Pat Murphy Died

To my family back in the mitten, enjoy the Bay City parade and all the shenanigans that go along with it tomorrow--I wish I could be there! And to our friends, Happy St. Patty's Day from the Gals!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What We Are Current Digging
Vintage Patron Saint Medal Bracelets

Madge was born and raised Catholic. We're talking Catholic schooling and has an Uncle that's a priest--raised Catholic. Not only does she know the Hail Mary by heart, but can tell you that burying a St. Joseph figurine upside down in your yard will sell your house in a more timely fashion. 

Approximately two years ago, she started collecting Patron Saint medals from estate sales, vintage stores, and from friends and family that came across them. 

The result, a unique charm bracelet that she wears practically daily...

"My day seems to go so much better when I know I have the Saints watching my back." - Direct quote from our Gal.

We were recently introduced to these lovely wrist ornaments; handcrafted with semi-precious stones and vintage Holy Medals. And immediately started carrying them in our store. Within two weeks, we were sold out and placed a reorder doubling our original amount!

Madge's love for Holy Medals and the Patron Saint's that are represented have subsequently rubbed off on Jenny. 

Jenny's favorite saint--St. Luke, the Patron Saint of Creativity.

Margaret's favorite saint--St. Expeditus, the Patron Saint of Urgent Causes and Against Procrastination (no joke).

"Pray For Us" in Spanish on the back--so rare.

Stacking bracelets, a very popular trend currently--and with the varying bead and medal sizes, each piece is incredibly versatile and one of a kind. You can wear one or seven. 

No matter what your religion may or may not be, these lovely jeweled ornaments make a great gift for anyone, yourself included!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Week in Photos

Last week I stumbled upon an awesome website, GOOD

They have several fun "projects" that you can partake in. 

The 30 Day - Document Your Life challenge caught my eye. Since our daily working lives have been less than interesting lately, hence leaving us with very little content to blog, we decided this would be something amusing to try.

The fun part--we haven't shared the photos with the other Gal!

Two Gals Presents: Madge's Week in Photos...

Jenny's photos will be showcased next week!

We really have ENJOYED this little project and have encouraged several of our friends and family to try it as well. Give it a try--we'd love to see your photos!!

P.S. Have no fear--the "Mini Mental Exam" was a folder in an exam room at my doctors office. A test that I did not have to take.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Newest Addition to the Playlist
Young the Giant - Strings

Why we love it?

It's acoustic, there is a big ugly yellow couch as a prop, a mason jar is used as an instrument, and some legging slapping. Totally captures the feel and ambiance of the week thus far!

Monday, March 5, 2012

What We Are Currently Digging
Findings Jewelry - 'Recycled. Reused. Restyled."

So much enchantment with every little token!

While at the Market, we were able to venture into the "cash and carry" section. Vendors from around the world selling items. We stumbled upon these beauties and fell in love!

There is just something so delightful and alluring about restyled items!!

One in particular...this lovely grey silk rosette necklace, adorned in small glazed shells.

Just in time for Spring/Summer 2012!
It also happens to be the perfect addition to zest up a plain white t-shirt!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Gals Are Doin' It For Themselves

Jenny styling a Melissa and Doug product shoot.

Yes, we are still alive! Just ungodly busy...

POS. To those that are not familiar with the retail world, a POS is a "Point of Sale" system. Otherwise known as your cash register and inventory software.

We currently have a P.O.S., POS...

I know--pretty archaic, right? Our business has grown and we have, in return, have outgrown this aged system.

Occasionally, we honestly believe that using an abacus would work better.

"And your total, sir...hold on I have to move some more beads."

Over a year ago we started interviewing perspective companies that can supply us with a brand new system. Finding the right company was easy--it's the preparation for the new POS that has been a tedious, long road. As of today we are 55 days out from our go-live date. So very exciting!

Since the beginning of the year, we have worked on dwindling our merchandise down--as to do a complete inventory of the ENTIRE store. Mind you, we will have completed this inventory ourselves with the help our awesome team. No luxury of having a company come in and count items here. One of the downfalls of not being "corporate," doin' it for yourself!

We had a 2 day "Yard Sale" where all items were deeply discounted at 75-90% off and have had special promotions and incentives for customers to shop.

Sprinkle in the flu, weekly conference calls/meetings, still maintaining a business, work weeks consisting of 6 days, preparing for our Spring Look Book shoot, and yet another broken toe situation that escalated into Jenny now having to sport a walking boot for the next 3 months.

Welcome to pure exhaustion land!

Population...the Gals.

But alas, we have made it through the majority of the storm and have survived to tell another tale!

I will leave you with our motto for the past few weeks. It comes from one of our favorite fictional (yet non-fictional) characters, Ms. Scarlett O'Hara...

"Tomorrow I'll think of some way...after all, tomorrow is another day."

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gotye - Somebody I Used to Know
Newest Addition to the Playlist

We've been swooning over Gotye for a few months now.

Perhaps it's his lovely brown locks? Is it because his real name is Wally? Or the fact that NPR digs his new record as much as we do?

As we pulled out of the parking garage after our 8th and final day of Market, (we have finally decompressed from the shopping madness enough to talk about it--a post to come later about our time at the Mart) this song came on XMU. And as exhausted as we were, we belted out the lyrics as loud as we could while cruising down the interstate. Classic "Gal Moment!"

Gotye ft. Kimbra - Somebody I Used to Know

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Gal!

Coffee while watching the sun rise.

Every year on January 1st, Jenny proclaims that it is the "Month of Jenny." Today marks the day of birth of our dear Gal!

As cheese-tastic as it sounds, but we always talk about how the universe put the two of us in each others lives. And honestly, I believe it!

"Ladies and gentlemen, please note the nearest exit."

She always enjoys to have a good time. No matter how "normal" or "not normal" in the least, it may be.

She has endless compassion. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen to you--for the good and the bad, Jenny is your gal.

Happy Birthday to my hetero-life-mate, "Puppet," best colleague forever, and my dearest friend ever!

"Many people will walk in and out of your life,
        but true friends will leave footprints in your heart."     
-Eleanor Roosevelt

P.S. I promise this will be the LAST year that I schedule a special sale on your birthday causing us to wake at the crack of dawn and bust our butts all day.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekend Reading Material

It has arrived! The AmericasMart January Show book. I'm fairly certain there is a more savvy and industry technical term for this piece of literature...

About 3 years ago we just started referring to it as "The Bible." This is the ultimate guide and doctrine to a retail buyer. To further confirm our adoration towards this handbook, a mini celebration is held every year when it is delivered. 

So...what is inside this book these Gals cannot stop raving about, you ask?

Page after page of montages of new merchandise that will be featured at the January Market, fantastic articles, and calendars letting you know what time free drinks will be served each day. It's pretty much a guidebook as to how you will live for 8 days.

And as you can tell by the width of this thing, it's pretty extensive. 608 pages, this year, to be exact.

With that being said, starting Tuesday we will be shopping for 8 days!

Madge's OCD kicked in--as you can tell I am rather organized this year. We are clearing inventory and very excited to bring in LOTS of new merchandise. We conducted a customer service survey in November and received some fantastic feedback from our customers on what they would like to see. We narrowed the suggestions and are focusing on a few key areas.

One of (God help my overflowing jewelry boxes and random plates housing my extensive accessory collection...)

I created a section in my notebook showcasing photos of merchandise from some of our favorite companies  and magazines of designs and styles that we want to carry. A wee bit of inspiration when you have been surveying products for hours each day!

Some of the items and trends you will see are going to popular:
  • Longer length necklaces layered with a different designed shorter necklaces.
  • Statement cuffs and bangles of all different sizes, again layered.
So very fond of these looks!

Our recommendation on how not to be overloaded while perusing this massive read: post its, a pencil, a pen, a Cherry Coke, and a chilled playlist.

I've been listening to this all day long...

TRUTH Feat. The RZA by Vagrant Records

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Put A Bird On It

The "bird trend."

Started about 2 years ago...we were on the forefront of that bandwagon.

Like jumped in feet first...
Cue Portlandia..."In Portland, you can put a bird on something and just call it art."

You can find birds on any sort of merchandise anywhere now. I may even venture to say it's getting a bit out of hand.

The Gals are still very guilty...

Birds on stationary.

Birds on a change purse.

Birds on a journal.

Bird car magnet.

Ceramic bird.

Bird magnets.

Birds on note cards.

Bird car air freshener.

Birds on a 2012 planner.

Birds on a wallet.

Birds on a t-shirt.

If you liked it then you should have put a bird on it?