Tuesday, December 27, 2011

WWBGD "What Would Bear Grylls Do?" - The Gals on Holiday

After, what seemed like it was the longest trip ever--the Gals have made it to their destination to the "Sunshine State."

Our quick 5 hour road trip turned into an 8 hour marathon. Lots of individuals traveling = traffic jams in the middle of nowhere. It was pure insanity!

My official odometer clock on my dashboard timed out to just dashed lines at at one of our two extensive traffic jams. Meaning that our "estimated time of arrival was NEVER!"

Thank you God for Starbucks.

Jenny did her best to entertain us--car photo shoot, anyone?

"There is no metropolitan area in sight. I see fields with cows. There are 3 lanes. Why are we at a dead stop?"
Day 1: The Gals Take on the Weeki Wachee

The Weeki Wachee River is a 12 mile tributary running from Weeki Wachee, Florida to the Gulf of Mexico. I've been kayaking in this gorgeous clear water, that's flows from underground caverns that is 72 degrees year round, before. It's absolutely gorgeous!

I booked kayaks last week when my weather app said that it was going to be 81 degrees on Tuesday and sunny--nothing like being one with nature to decompress from work!

Having a blast! The weather is perfect--partly cloudy but warm.

Ten minutes later begins the three torrential downpours back to back...

Made it under a tree and didn't get that soaked. We had two more showers and a SIGNIFICANT temperature drop. We were totally soaked, our trusty vessel starting taking on water, and getting pretty cold. We pulled our kayak onto the bank to regroup--and this picture was taken...

Say hello to "Hypothermic Madge." I have never been so cold in my life. My mom and aunt, who were with us, were flipping out about my lips turning blue. I really honestly didn't believe them until we got home and I saw this picture.

At one point, I honestly thought we may have to send out a S.O.S. And let the record show, I grew up in Michigan--I have fallen through ice while ice skating on a pond and have been locked out of my house in the middle of a blizzard wearing nothing but slippers and sweatpants. I can could handle being cold.

The first words out of my mouth were "What would Bear Grylls do?"

Thank you, Mr. Grylls, on some many levels--not only have you taught me survival tatics, i.e. take off wet clothing and get your blood circulating as fast as possible; but you have also schooled me in these skills while being incredibly attractive and quite witty.

The sun finally came out--warming it up a bit and slightly drying my drenched clothes. And our fun continued...

Upon our arrival back at our vacation hacienda, we all proceed to crash--like 2+ hour naps.

We just had the epiphany: "The Weeki Wachee kicked our asses and Bear Grylls saved our lives."


  1. You were the victims of what we call 'Florida weather' -- it can turn on you in an instant.

    And, NEVER EVER believe an extended forecast for this state. If a weather person here tells me it's raining -- I go to a window and look for myself. This is known as true 'eye-witness' weather.

  2. It's a great story, complete with pictures. Destined to become a family legend, I'm sure. It sounds like you all survived, in the end. Kudos!
